Embracing the Dark Season

Celebrating the Winter Solstice

As we slip into winter, I find myself getting ready to cozy up, reflect, and celebrate the beauty of the dark season.

While I sometimes dread the shorter, colder and darker days, there's just something so magical about this time of year. It's a chance to slow down, light some incense, and appreciate the quiet moments.

Winter solstice, which is on Friday, June 21st at 6:50am (AEST), marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. It's steeped in ancient traditions, so why not create our own modern rituals? Perhaps a hygge-inspired evening with hot chocolate, a journal, and a soft blanket. Or maybe a solstice gathering with friends around a bonfire with mulled wine and toasted marshmallows.

The earth itself takes a breather as its own way of celebrating the dark season. Trees shed their leaves and animals hibernate; it's a time for rest and renewal. Taking our cue from this natural rhythm, the solstice is a reminder to recharge our own batteries and provides us with the perfect opportunity to set intentions for the coming spring, reflecting on what we want to leave behind and what we hope to grow.

As the longest night approaches, let's embrace the dark with open arms. Light some incense, indulge in your favourite winter treats, and take a moment to appreciate the magic and stillness of the season. Winter solstice is also a reminder that days only get longer from here—it's a celebration of life's cycles and the promise of brighter days ahead.

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